In August 2017, Bristol Post reported on the proposed 26 storey residential development for the former ambulance station next to Castle Park. Just short of 18 months on, and now the plan is becoming a reality with Linkcity signing plans to start the development. Marvyn Rees has hailed the development a success with a completion date of 2022.
When first reported in 2017, Bristol Post claimed the site would have 20% affordable housing, half the council’s recommended level for housing. Yet the mayor has hailed it a success for increasing the level from 12%. Anybody would agree that new vibrant spectacular buildings are what Bristol needs, but surely not at the cost of residents. Bristol 24/7 reported the news rather ambivalently, some would say picking up on the sentiment.
After reviewing the plans we were also disappointed to see a lack of commercial units available. Bristol has proud areas of independent shops, with Gloucester Road rumoured to be the biggest uninterrupted strip of independent shops in the country. Wapping Wharf is a great example of an area filled with independent restaurants and shops. We are currently visiting a lot of these areas to support with finance.
On balance, 375 homes will be a missed opportunity to offer space for new vibrant independent traders in the heart of the city. A lack of affordable housing in this development will no doubt exacerbate Bristol’s current shortage. We are always on hand to support developments with finance. As part of the city we feel it is important to support local business and responsibly support the improvement of the local economy.